lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Anal Bush - Bushageddon

Anal Bush (también visto como AxBx) es el, proyecto noisegrind goregrind de Darryn Palmer (Perverse Imagery, ex-Accepting the Apocalypse).
Palmer abandonó el proyecto en el fondo de su mente durante casi dos años, centrándose en la escuela y su otro proyecto Perverse Imagery. En octubre de 2012 después de que Palmer había terminado con la escuela y Perverse Imagery había casi muerto, decidió que había recoger el apodo, una vez más y se registra el resurgimiento del ep odio. Desde entonces Palmer ha lanzado 1 disco de larga duración, 2 EP y 3 splits bajo Anal Bush ".

Artista : Anal Bush
Album : Bushageddon
Genero : Goregrind/Porno
Año : 2012

Lista de temas : 

1. Act I 00:19
2. Making Song Titles Sucks 00:27
3. I Listen to Podcasts Because I Have Watched so Much Porn It has Become Boring 00:17
4. Jigsaw Massacre is a Great Band 00:07
5. Math Sucks 00:15
6. I Have a Fairy Sticker on My Bass Guitar 00:16
7. I Wear Boots 00:13
8. The 4th Kind Scared Me Because Aliens Abducted Me Once 00:27
9. Anal Cunt has Funny Song Titles 00:16
10. I Like Beards, In Fact, I Have One 00:22
11. I Hate the Turtle Man 00:16
12. You Read Comics to Hide Your Mental Retardation 00:13
13. I Love Shitty Monster Movies 00:23
14. I Hate Everything 00:16
15. Act II 00:17
16. Mr. Horse is Coming for You Because He Wants Dat Azz 00:12
17. Azz Has 3 Letters in it Proffessor 00:21
18. I Want to Fuck a Set of Twins and Have Them Moan in Unison 00:21
19. Midgets are Sexy 00:12
20. If You are Listening You're Gay 00:14
21. There are No Good Bands in San Antonio 00:32
22. I Make Snuff Films for Money 00:20
23. Your Cat has a Bigger Dick then You Do 00:24
24. All My Friends are Cool and So Can You 00:32
25. Slasher Flicks are Cool 00:17
26. Paranormal Activity 8 is Better Then This Song 00:17
27. There are a Lot of Horror Movie References on this Shit 00:20
28. Fuck That Azz Because You Are Annoying 00:14
29. Bushageddon 00:10
30. Act III 00:17
31. Hipsters are Cool 00:21
32. A Song 00:26
33. Another Song 00:10
34. Gorenoise is Grand 00:21
35. Clowns... Fuck Them 00:24
36. You Need a Night Light Because You are a Girly Man 00:21
37. My Logo Sucks Because It's FMBM 00:16
38. SWAG... Super Wiggerish Ass-smelling Gay 00:30
39. Your Wife's Azz is Small 00:10
40. Anal Bush is Music for Dat Azz 00:12
41. Ever Notice How Only White People Have Bad Knees 00:07
42. All the Bands You Like are Old School Because You're a Faggot 00:10
43. Yeah! We Love Pussy! 00:27
44. Faggots are Cool 00:17
45. Act IV 00:25
46. All 90's Song Lyrics are Just Vowels 00:07
47. Prisms Reflect Light 00:15
48. Frankenstein had a Frankenweenie 00:16
49. The Volcano Exploded and Melted Your Home Because Your Gay 00:13
50. Shooting Babies Out the Azz 00:27
51. Slam Death Metal Sucks 00:16
52. People Don't Get Gorenoise Because They're Not Weird Enough 00:22
53. Your Son Took a Shotgun to School Because You Didn't Beat Him Enough 00:16
54. Saxophone is Cool 00:13
55. You Hide Behind a Flag Because Your Insecure 00:23
56. You Listen to Gorenoise Because You Have No Life 00:16
57. You Can't Take a Joke Because You Are an Over Sensitive Cunt 00:12
58. You Look Like a Cunt 00:21
59. Helicopters and Bitches 00:21
60. Act V 00:23
61. Raped with a Rake 00:12
62. I Shoved a Lawnmower Up a Cat's Azz 00:14
63. You Cannot Spell Right Because Your a Faggot 00:32
64. Youtube is Cool 00:20
65. Shout Out to All the Friends 00:24
66. You Drink Diet Coke Because You Are a Fat Cunt 00:32
67. Porn is Cool 00:17
68. I Grow Afros on My Toes 00:17
69. You Sell Propain Because You're Cool 00:20
70. Anal Bush Loves God(s) 00:14
71. When a Woman Says She Has a Boyfriend That Means That She Has a Faggot at Home That Listens to Her Problems, and Will Suck Your Cock if You Buy Her a Drink 00:10
72. God is Gay, Beer is Shit, and People are Ugly 00:21
73. Keep Eating Because You Ain't Getting Fatter You Fat Cunt 00:26
74. Revolver Magazine... That's a Punchline 00:10
75. Dr. B is Cool 00:21
76. There are Too Many Songs on this Album 00:24
77. Why Did I Make a Full-Length 00:21
78. Go Ahead and Do a 500 Man Gang-bang, Don't Cry when Your Asshole's an Inner Tube 00:16
79. I Miss Holidays, Fuck Christmas 00:30
80. Upside Down with a Cock in Your Brown was a Cool Song 00:10
81. You're in a Wheelchair Because Your Cool, But the Other Guy in the Wheelchair is Gay 00:12
82. Deathcore, Isn't that Bad 00:07
83. The Next Song is a Cover 00:19
84. Suck a Caribou's Ass (Wesley Willis) 01:28

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